The Daily Awrad (Spiritual Practices) The Awrad of the Initiate is for the three different levels of followers, must be performed once every 24 hours.
My question is:
1 What are these three different levels?
2 who would tell me at which level at I am?
3 What should I have to do to move to next level ?
Muhammad Nasir Aziz
1) The levels are Initiate (mubtadi`), Prepared (musta`id) and Determined (murid). See the Naqshbandi Website, Awrad Page for details of the dhikr.
2) Until your Shaykh informs you, you are an initiate;
3) Continue to practice all your Islamic obligations (Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj) and do your daily awrad consistently; leave all 800 forbiddens and try to establish the sunnah in your life. Keep rabitah with your Shaykh.
w ‘Allahu `alam
Taher Siddiqui