Unity among brothers and sisters in my town


As Salamalaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuahu.

Please would you pray for a good change in the situation in the Naqshbandi community in Sheffield UK. For over 23 years Maulana Sheikh Nazim has blessed us since his visits here. The only time when there seems to be potential of unity is at our small juma’a and Eid gatherings, all this time…There are numerous weekly zikrs but they are all led by different people who do not communicate as brothers should, in fact hardly ever at all. It makes my heart heavy and I prefer not to associate with any of them as this is the example they set and I feel so much separation and disparity when sitting with any one of them, because of this…..


`Alaykum assalam

This is a universal test. Keep your connection with Mawlana in your heart strong and impervious. Keep good relations with all and just proceed with your duties as well as you can without being affected too much by what goes on. Mawlana is observing the hearts of his murids and is fully aware of the situation. May Allah grant you and us firmness on His path to the last breath.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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