Tag Archives: abnormal fear
Fear of a particular food
I am blessed with all sorts of food. However, from a young age I have had a fear of crisps… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged abnormal fear, food phobia, irrational fear
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Prayer Request: Healthhealth
Tomorrow I must go to the hospital. I am very nervous about it. Also I have bad thoughts in my head. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged abnormal fear, bad thoughts, dhikr, dhikrullah, fear, fear of insanity, hospital, iman, Ya Allah, Ya Hafiz, Ya Rabbi
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Prayer Request: Fear of peopleterror fear
My name is [private], I’m an English convert and I’m Shyakh Nazim’s murid. When I was 4 up until now my life has been in abnormal fear… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged abnormal fear, abuse, bad dreams, child upbringing, complex, devil, dolls, domestic violence, father, fear, fear of people, hit, hurt, mother, nightmares, pictures, Satan, Shaytan, shouting, terror, violent
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terror fear