Tag Archives: abortion
Has forgiveness been accepted
If an abortion has taken place between 5-7 weeks of pregnancy due to being lead astray what can one do to repent and compensate for such a massive sin (recitation)… Continue reading
The sister is asking for duah as well for them to be guided to do the right thing for the fear of Allah. Continue reading
Awkward situation with my wife
I performed Nikah with my wife, and after she arrived in US, everything was fine in the beginning and then everything started falling apart…. Continue reading
Is Feminism OK?
There was a time when I wasn’t practicing Islam and had become involved with the Women’s Liberation Movement. They would disperse information concerning the Morning After Pill… Continue reading
I’ve been married for three years, and I had two abortions,and I’ve been going since into many doctors,since my body is now very weak. Continue reading
Married to a non-Muslim man
I’m hoping the Shaykh can offer some advice that I can pass on to a friend… Continue reading