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Tag Archives: angelic lights
Different Lights
I just wanted to ask what it means to see different coloured lights after prayer or just whilst walking around I would really be grateful if I got a list in reply with all possible colours to see… Continue reading
Green light
I have been seeing a green light moving around my room and then disappearing… Continue reading
Incident while reciting Quran
I was reciting the Quran, as the pages were open in front of me, I felt what I can only describe as a hug. I felt light wrap around me, it filled me with warmth and light… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic bodies, angelic lights
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Could you please clear this confusion that I have, I dreamt of a being made of clear white light is this a djinn or an angel? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic lights, people of Paradise, spiritual bodies
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Seeing Green Color
For the past several years I’ve seen the presence of a green light in appliances around me. I have seen it as if it follows me around since even when I travel I see it … Continue reading
Flashes of Light
2 yrs ago i spent itikaf, I was alone in the masjid and while i was reading the quran i saw a light moving around on the masjid floor (it seemed as if some one had a torch light moving it around) I recited Istigfar and it stopped… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic lights, nur, Qur'anic recitation
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Dream: Istikhara dream for marriage…
We’re different faiths and races, he’s open to the idea of Islam, so I’m putting my faith and trust in the Almighty… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adopt Muslim name, angelic lights, blue, brother, different, embrace Islam, England, faith, flashing light, future husband, future wife, greet, help, lingering eyes, open to Islam, race, shake, sincere, suitor, woman, wristband
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