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Tag Archives: appropriate attire
Burqa and Niqab
I became intrigued about the history about when women started wearing the burqa or niqab, and why does it bother people so much that women wear it? Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged appropriate attire, burqa, dupatta, headscarf, hijab, Islamic Law, Islamic modesty, jilbab, khimar, modest dress, pious woman, Shari`ah, shawl, taqwa, Wives of the Prophet (s), women's attire, zinat
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Swimming attire for men
While in Lefke I heard some murids talking about how when we go swimming, it is best to cover not only from our navel to our knees, but our chests and shoulders as well… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged appropriate attire, covering `awra, exposing body parts, guarding private parts, hifzh al-faraj, intimate parts, modest dress, public area, swim gear, swimming
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Offering prayer in t-shirt
If a person is offering a prayer in t-shirt and during each prostration due to stretching his back is uncovered slightly… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged appropriate attire, makruh, namaz, salat
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Wearing a T-Shirt during Salat
I was just wondering whether it is acceptable or not acceptable to wear a short sleeved t-shirt whilst reading salat… Continue reading