Tag Archives: awliya
Is Mevlana Seyh Nazim Infallible ?
As that Mevlana is connected and receives directly from Resulallah(saws), who is infallible, does this not mean that the Awliyah are also, as perfect conduits, transmitters infallible? Continue reading
Awliyaa’ and Anbiyaa’
Is it correct to say that the best of this Ummah, the likes of the premeire SaHaabah and taabi`iin from the salaf, and the likes of Shaykh al-Akbar, al-Jiilaaniyy, al-Shaadhiliyy, al-Badawiyy, al-Suharwardiyy, al-Chishtiyy from the khalaf, etc… Continue reading
What are the pre-requisities of attaining of Spirituality? How I find an Awliya Allah, what is the procedure? Continue reading
Dream: Death
Dream: Bismillahirahmaniraheem Salaam: My name is [private]. I have depression & recently bowel problems. My doctors prescribed painkillers which cause hallucinations. I was sleeping & woke up @ night to see someone standing on the right side of my bed. … Continue reading
Life in grave
İ have a question about the people in the grave, many times you referd that anbiyyullah and awliyaullah body dont decompose in the grave.. Continue reading
Maqams in Uzbequistan
Inshallah I’m going to visit Uzbequistan the coming month. Continue reading
What does MSN say about this Saint?
There is a great Saint living in the North Western parts of Pakistan ,he is of Afghan origin and his name is Shaykul Mashaykh Khwaja Pir Rehmat Karim Sahib.. Continue reading
Dream: dream about name
I had a dreamed that someone mentions the name “sheiks Nazim al Haqqani”. after that I wokeup… Continue reading
I have a relation regarding the length of visions. Has there ever been circumstances… Continue reading