Tag Archives: bad language
Isteqara and moral guidance
Am engaged to my cousin but there is nothing healthy relation between us. He has a very bad language and does a lot of suspicion. He is always involved in haram girls. I want to end this relation. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged bad language, engaged, unhealty relationship
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Prayer Request: Physical & Mental weakness
My problems: I’m unfit physically, I was not successful in physical activities even in games. I lost confidence when I started playing and doing activities. Till now, I don’t know how to swim… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged bad language, lazy, swimming
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Urgent need of advice
I need your dua and advice as I am extremly sad and worry about my married life. From few months my husband… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged aggressive, anger, angry, bad language, children, darood, housework, husband, marital discord, marriage problems, married life, sad, worried, Ya Halim, Ya Wadud
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