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Tag Archives: cheating
Dream: Urgent istikhara
A friend of mine just broke up from her non-Muslim boyfriend (who recently made shahadah and whom she wanted to marry) after finding out that he was cheating on her. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged betrayal, boyfriend, broke up, cheating, innocence, istikhara, marriage, non-Muslim, Shahada
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My question is related to my cousin. She got married and she was in a relationship with someone else at the same time. I found out… Continue reading
Prayer Request: I’m in a confusion
I recently joined a construction company as a trainee quantity surveyor. Te problem is that there is a lot of cheating in the construction industry… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged cheating, dishonesty, halal income, lies, work issues, workplace
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Broken Marriage
I’m a 41 yr old husband & my marriage was 15 years old. I’ve a lot of mistakes on my marriage, especially to my wife. so that my wife had no affection to me anymore, and it started from July this year… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged cheating, haram behavior, lost love, past mistakes, resentment of spouse, troubled marriage, trust issues
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Currency Trading (Forex)
I am interested in learning the currency trade. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged cheating, companies, currency trade, Forex, gold, halal, haram, paper, profit, Prophet Muhammad (s), silver
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