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Tag Archives: cheek
Dream: Kissing
I had a dream and I see the brother I like coming out of my house and is going somewhere with him… Continue reading
Dream: Man with a birthmark on his left cheek
I recently remembered a dream I had years ago. I dreamt my uncle was sitting next to a sheikh wearing a turban… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, Awtad, birthmark, cheek, family, protection, shaykh, turban, uncle
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Stone heart and ego
I have lots of problems with myself. I have a very big ego and am very proud. Also I am stone hearted. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Allah's Will, anger, arguments, cheek, destruction, ego, eternal, fighting, marital discord, masjid, mureed, patience, possessed, Prophet Muhammad (s), proud, revenge, Sayyidina `Isa, Sayyidina Adam, Sayyidina Musa, shaykh, Shaytan, shoes, stone heart, stubborn, submission, walnuts
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