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Tag Archives: cultural beliefs
Ghusl and cultural beliefs
What is the significance of taking a ghusl after visiting a cemetery? I noticed that the Malays encourage this… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged cultural beliefs, dead body, fiqh rulings, graves, Islamic Law, janazah, ritual purity, visiting cemeteries, washing the dead
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Help regarding Islam’s position in Paediatric Palliative Care
I have been given the task of speaking about Islam’s position regarding Paediatric Palliative Care to an audience of doctors, nurses, physios, and social workers… Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged after death, bathing the dead, caring for deceased, cultural beliefs, end-of-life issues, physical death, religious practices, washing the dead
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About the Pseudo-Sufi Bifatima from Kazakhistan
I see some videos about Bifatimah in documentary about sufis in Kazakhistan i like know if it is a pseudo-Sufi because their methods of healing include nudity… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged black magic, corrupt Sufis, cultural beliefs, drug use, heretic, religious syncretism, rituals, shamanism, sihr, subgroups
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Cutting nails
Can you cut your finger nails anywhere, any day and any time? Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged clipping fingernails, cultural beliefs, grooming, nailcare, superstitious behavior
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