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Tag Archives: dervish
Sufism versus other Mysticisms
I’ve only begun to learn more about Sufism and Tasawwuf, and i’ve found that it bares much similarity and common ground (such as having a mantra and practicing meditation, adopting concepts like the ego or inner-self, character refinement), etc… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dervish, mystics, perfection of character, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual journey, spiritual path, spiritual wayfaring, tasawwuf
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Met a Dervish
I met a Naqshbandi dervish from Turkey in Madinah Sharif. I think Mawlana knows him. He was speaking to us in Turkish and we were speaking to him in English he understood us and we understood him. Continue reading
Dervish Trip
My intention is to travel and get Tariqa way, leaving behind me everything, like a dervish… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awliya, Damascus, dervish, dunya, Islamic Sciences, Islamic Studies, marriage, parents, Sham, Shaykh Muhammad Adnan Kabbani, tariqah
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