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Tag Archives: entrance
Dream: War and Safety
I had this dream a few years back. In the dream I was at my house looking out of the window. Suddenly I see from far,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged army, beautiful, chaos, closer, entrance, falling down, feel, hit, house, humble, intercede, intercession, kind, kindness, lady, Last Days, line, looking, marching, missles, moving, name, pious, real, safety, saintly, Sayyida Fatimah, soldiers, sweet, ummah, war, warmth, wife, window, world
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Dream: Seeing Sh. Hisham In My Dream
I dreamt that I am going passed a house, near my local masjid, and then out of nowhere Shaykh Hisham appears knocking on this house door… Continue reading
Are these sunnah practices?
Where I live there are traditions that it is not good to sleep or take a bath between the hours of late asir time and before the magrib athan has been called… Continue reading