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Tag Archives: explosion
Dream: Sun Rising from the West
A couple of years ago I had a dream within a dream. I fell asleep after fajr-prayer… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ascension, basmala, black, cloud, Day of Judgment, events, explosion, family members, good tidings, Judgment Day, mother, nature of the soul, paralysis, paralyzed, relatives, rise, salat al-Fajr, sky, soul, spirit, sun, voice, west
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Dream: Suicide bombing
I dreamed Allah,he was with dark cloth and we were in dark room and his face wasn’t visible because of dark cloth and dark room,there was two more guy with us.There was a Guy crucified,Allah asked us”Does suicide bombers go to heaven”The other guy which was wit us said “Yes they will go to heaven because they are martyr”Allah Denied him and said They will be crucified like this guy and told the reason(which i don’t remember)There was a torch with very less light in a guy hand who replied to Allah and he gave me the torch and the light of torch became brighter.i asked god “Why are you telling me all this about suicide bombers”he replied It is my duty to tell you and its your duty to tell others”and I gave Allah the torch and the torch light became very bright and room became very bright.
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Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Azhar, explosion, fatwa, irhab, mufti, suicide attack, suicide bomb, suicide bombing, terrorism
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Dream: Outer Space
I had a dream that I was in outer space and I witnessed an explosion like a supernova it was very intense white bright light. Continue reading
Dream: shower room + darkness
I dreamt 2-3 months ago, that there was a war and i was on a mountain and suddenly the sun or the moon blew up and the lightness of the moon/sun became a dark circle. Continue reading