Tag Archives: fitrah
Dream: Cow/Goat/Camel
I saw a camel/cow/goat in my dream and i milked it and drank the milk,it was nice. The animal was nice and clean. I am not sure what animal it was… Continue reading
Dream: Childhood friend
I was at my mother’s birthplace, a rural area far from where I reside. My childhood friend,.. Continue reading
Wife, a Spiritual Life partnerL’épouse: une partenaire de vie spirituelle
Translation: It is He Who created you from a single self and made from him his spouse so that he might find repose in her… [fr] Le saint Coran dit:
Traduction: « C’est Lui qui vous a créés d’un seul être dont il a tiré son épouse,…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: small window
There is indication that I have got up from illness (in real life I am manic depressive) and I am in white Islamic clothes which are old and a little worn. Continue reading
method of cutting nails
Q: What is the correct way of cutting nails according to fiqhi teachings. I heard that you should begin with index finger and end with the thumb. please advise. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Adam (as)
I dreamt that I was standing in front of this huge white mansion one fine night. I saw groups of Naqshbandi men scattered coming from all directions and heading to this white mansion. As I turned around in confusion of not knowing where I am and what I am doing, I saw a very tall old man (almost 3 meters tall) in white jubah, overcloak, white imamah and white Naqshbandi taj… Continue reading
The Origin of Circumcision
Question: What is the origin of circumcision? Answer: What I heard from my shaykhs is that circumcision was begun by our father Adam. It was a tax he imposed upon his body after he committed his mistake, and Allah knows … Continue reading