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Tag Archives: future
Pakistan is different?
Can you please explain that when Maulana Sheikh Nazim Qaddas Sirrahu’l Aziz mentioned end of tyrants… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Arab states, bloody, different, end of tyrants, future, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Pakistan, sedition, sohba, sohbat, suhba, suhbat, sultan, summary, tyrants
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Should I have another baby?
Asslamu Alaikum ya sayidi..
I married 7 years back and having a son. Past few years I had to post pone of having another kid due to various reasons. Now I am living with my family seperatley and have no issues of having another baby insha allah. Since Maoulana sheyk Nazim keep saying that there will be a worl war and lot of problems in near future, I am confused and thinking whether we can have another baby or not. Please guide me in this situation. May almighty allah shower his all blessings to Moulana sheyk Nazim and all his family members.
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Posted in Family Issues
Tagged baby, confused, future, having children, married, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, postpone, pregnancy, son, warnings, world problems, world war
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Question about my past
I got married to my girlfriend. I wanted to marry her anyway, but there was more of a reason to marry her at the time, as she was pregnant with our first child… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged astaghfirullah, child, fornication, future, girlfriend, haram, hijab, istighfar, marriage, married, party, pregnant, The Merciful, weak
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About personal problems
My name is [private] and I live in Manchester, UK. I am engaged to a girl named [private] who lives in Rawalpindi, Pakistan… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged fiancée, future, London, Pakistan, problems, respect, seeking marriage
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Pakistan’s future
I wanted to ask if the blessed Shaykhs could tell us anything about what is going to happen to Pakistan in the near future. We Pakistanis are so sick of our rulers… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged corruption, future, misery, Pakistan, ruler, spiritual importance
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