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Tag Archives: gnosis
Dream: Ocean & All-seeing eye
In my dream I was at a center for homeschoolers. Outside was the ocean. A huge tidal wave formed. then gently water was rushing up shore. next I was on the shore as the water… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah swt, certainty, gnosis, ma`rifah, Maqam al-Ahadiyya, Maqam al-Ihsan, Maqam al-Wahdaniyya, mureed, murid, Seeing Allah, seeker, wave, yaqin
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Dream: Butterfly
saw that I am standing near a plant and I saw on it two types of butterflies
yellow and bright beautiful blue color (the same color as present in peacock). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bag, blue, books, box, butterfly, gnosis, masters, spiritual knowledge, transparent
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Dream: I did bayth with sheikh nazim
I saw a mountain with a house on top of it in a vision instantly . Another time i saw two yellow mountains on the bayth picture. What does it mean? Continue reading