Tag Archives: good tidings
Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam
I don’t remember much about this dream hence I can’t be 101% sure if I really saw them* or not (in my dream it was night time it was dark in that room… Continue reading
Dream about Isa (as)
Salaam this is a question regarding a dream my mother had. she dreamt that she was looking out a window & saw isa walking on water towards her, she just had a feeling it was him. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet saws rosa mubarak
I had a dream that I was in front of the golden gates in front of Prophet (saws) grave in Masjid Nabi (saws)… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana throws knives to meRêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux
Mawlana calls me, takes me by the hand and “tells” me to hold near my throat some kind of silvered coin that is heart-shaped. He is going to throw knives. [fr]Mawlana m’appelle, me prend par la main et me dit de tenir près de ma gorge une sorte de pièce d’argent en forme de cœur…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: “We want him”
In my dream I saw the face of Molana Hisham Kabbani (Allah protect him) and Sayyidi Shaykh Molana Nazim (Allah give him long life). Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Esa a.s.
Would like to know about a dream I had a couple months ago concerning Prophet Esa a.s. All I remember was that Esa a.s was standing in a long white slim gown down to ankles I think. Continue reading
Dream: Wheat fields
After I had a miscarriage in a dream I heard a voice saying, “Don’t be sad. Everything that comes from you will be like this”. Continue reading