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Tag Archives: Hellfire
Prayer Request: helpless servant!
i dont feel good, i’m always very sad, i think about the past a lot, things that have happened that have hurt me, and when i think about the future i feel the same way very hurt and sad and HOPELESS. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged anxiety, depression, fear, Hell, Hellfire, hopeless, hurt, punishment, sadness
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Dream: Surat al-Fatiha
I saw in my dream,a page on which Surah-Al-Fatiha was written and the specific verse “Ih’dinas-siraatal-mustaqeem” has the grammatical “madd” on the entire ayat some 2-3 times which in reality in The Holy Quran its not there. I even saw my face shinging bright white. My cousin told me “You became fat like your mom”. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Bridge, du`a, Hellfire, madd, Sirat, sirat al-mustaqeem, Surat al-Fatiha
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