Tag Archives: husband
Is Husband’s nikah broken on wife’s death?
at the time of a women’s death is the Husband’s Nikah broken? Continue reading
Salaam Alaikum. How far is the husband responsible for his wifes prayers and wearing hijab? If the wife doesn’t pray, will the husband be questioned in the hereafter as to why he didn’t make her pray? Continue reading
Respect among others
Sir i am in deep trouble. I think i am losing my respect in my husband eyes and every1. No one trust me. I feel useless on earth. My heart is restless all the time. Please help Continue reading
Prayer Request: Abusive and bad husband
My aunt wants to know what she should do? Her daughter is in a bad marriage. My cousin’s husband does not financially support her or is there for the kids & her. Husband is abusive, even says he does not need a wife… Continue reading
The boy I previously spoke of is doing haraam. He had a job as a baker, but quit because he thought he was going to get fired. His businesses are: 1-Loan money to people and get 30% interest on it. 2- He is now running a tavern (place where you sell alcohol to people)… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Violent husband
I met you in Connecticut, please pray for me. My husband always gives me hard time, is violent and an alcoholic. I need peace of mind. Continue reading
Dividing of Assets after Divorce
Ya Sayidee the whole story is too long and it would just waste your time.Basics are:-Father has left home and remarried ,says has given divorce to mother (first wife)… Continue reading
Respect towards families
I have been married for 9 years now. We fight over smallest issue and then… Continue reading
Live with husband of different religion
I’ve been living with my husband with diffrent religion… Continue reading
Stuck between husband and mother
I have a problem that need advice from Sheikh Hisham inshallah… Continue reading