Tag Archives: illness
Requesting prayer from Shaykh Hisham
I request you to make dua for me as I would like to at least do tawaf alone when visiting the house of Allah. Continue reading
اتمنى الدعم المعنوي
تحقيق ذاتي ا<مخفي> بعدة مشاريع سابقة اكثر من عشرين مليون Continue reading
Ramadan and Bipolar
My Doctor has told me I should not fast as it induces manic states, I feel terrible not fasting. Should I not fast? Continue reading
I suffer with mental illness and fear my death if I make hajj. Is the hajj still obligatory on me ? Continue reading
Is it allowed to inject insulin before breakfast some minute? Continue reading
Is homeopathy halal for chronic disease
I found fatwa that using homeopathy is haram in internet,as it’s medicine contains alcohol and other things. Continue reading
urgent prayer request for my nephew’s health
ASAK, Name is [priv], XX year old, mother name is [priv]. She is separated. His father is working abroad and he stop contacting my sister after one year of her marriage. Continue reading
The Path & Practice
Someone very religious who has fallen ill (with a easily treatable condition) refuses medical attention because she claims she is directed not to. Continue reading
I am feeling a lot of pressure in my heart and pain in my stomach and much sickness in my body. I have been treated by too many doctors and spiritual healers, but they cannot diagnose my problem… Continue reading