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Tag Archives: Imam Abu Hanifa
Madhhab of Hadith Imams
Q: What is the position of the Great compilers of hadith in matters of fiqh? Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged Ahl al-Hadith, fiqh, Ibn Abi Ya`la, Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmad, Imam ash-Shafi`i, Imam Bukhari, Imam Ibn as-Subki, Imam ibn Majah, Imam Malik, Imam Muslim, Imam Tirmidhi, madhhab, mujtahid, mujtahid murajjih, mujtahid mutlaq, schools
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Why Follow an Imam?
This can be answered by posing a counter-question: “Do you know all the various laws of deen, religion? Are you capable of extracting and deriving the laws pertaining to wudu, salah, zakat, etc. directly from the Qur’an and Hadith? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, hadith, imam, Imam Abu Hanifa, knowledge, madhhab, Quran, scholars, Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Faisal
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