Tag Archives: in-laws
Prayer Request: Get rid of cunning in-laws
I’m very disturbed and confused about the attitude of my in-laws. They picture themselves as very religious and Islamic. The fact is that my younger sister-in-law is married to a Hindu. The truth which is hidden from everyone… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sudden change in husband’s behavior
Lately my husband is distant/angry. In his anger he said a lot of hurtful things and that he would ask Allah for my hisab on the Last Day… Continue reading
Civil divorce
Jan 2011 Asked Maulana for a name for my daughter however my wife had already left me and also had taken steps for divorce, which I found out later Maulana told me to be patient and to keep her, for a year. Continue reading
Problems with new husband and inlaws
I have recently got married and my husband and I argue and fight a lot of the time, also my inlaws are not very nice to me I just found out I’m pregnant also and still they are not caring…. Continue reading
My in-laws mistreat me, I married their daughter 8 yrs ago. They make comments… Continue reading
Permission to move and istikhara
My husband and I are making istikhara to move to UK. He’s unhappy at work and… Continue reading
Dream: Lizards
My dream is that I saw lizards in dreams often, they are in high numbers but they… Continue reading
Who should I move closer to?
I am married to my husband with one kid and I am planning to buy a house soon. I am staying with my in-laws at the moment… Continue reading
I’m always trying to be more pious but I’m always pulled away because of housework & taking care of my child & husband… Continue reading
Prayer Request: A House of My Own
Dear Shaykh, please doa for me that I can have a house of my own as soon as possible (1 years’ time or less). Continue reading