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Tag Archives: inferior
How does women protected from dajjal?
I know that one of the signs of judgement is that there are more women than men & does that make them a curse because of their growing numbers? They didn’t ask to be females so is it their fault? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith
Tagged anti-Christ, curse, educate women, equal, God's mercy, hadith, inferior, misinterpretation, mothers, protection from dajjal, seek religious knowledge, Signs of the Last Days
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Women in Islam
Please also guide me that it does not come from the world’s beginning point that men are superior as in every religion men are. Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged equal rights, gender inequality, inferior, men and women, superiority, women's rights
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Women less than men?
I have now heard from two different mureeds of Sh. Nazim that “women’s intellect” is less than that of men… Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged adultery, birth, equivalence, female witness, gender, gender equality, hafiz, inferior, intellect, male witness, men, non-hafiz, parental lineage, superior, testimony, women
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