Tag Archives: insults
Abusive husband
I really don’t know what is going on with my husband. We’ve been married for quite a long time with children and still today he gets mad very easily, and he will insult me as a whore , my mother a whore and my fathers pedophile… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged abusive husband, distressed wife, domestic violence, emotional abuse, insults, marital problems, revile
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Disturbed by my marriage
I am deeply disturbed about my ”marriage”. I married a man who promised me many things. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 rak`ats, accommodation, companionship, demanding, dhikr, dhikrullah, disturbed, disturbing, divorce, divorce threat, du`a, emotional involvement, financial problems, financial promise, fulfill promise, happy, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, insults, marriage, marriage life, money, patience, patient, problems, promise, salawat, swearing, Ya Halim
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