Tag Archives: jihad al-akbar
Dua/advice for Headaches that prevent me from being active (like reading quran)
experience headaches that impact my ibadat & studies. Continue reading →
ما هو التصوف
ما هو التصوف شيخنا الجليل بكل تفصيل حتى اذا سألك شخص يمكنك الجواب عليه ثم انى لدى اسئلة كثيرة غير ة هذا السؤال واسف على التطويل؟
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Prayer Request: Killing my ego
Can you make a dua for me and my ego. I try to fight my ego, but I lose every time. I want to be stronger than my ego.. Continue reading →
A Few Years Away From Dunya
I wanted to ask, is it permissible to abandon Dunya/Worldy, materialistic life for a few years and retreat to an empty quarter only to praise Allah… Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Ego
I would like to know how I could get rid of my ego completely as I understand that Mahdi (as) is coming very soon Continue reading →
Dream: A Massacre
My dream was this, several old friends I had nearly forgotten about returned to my life and were very kind. Continue reading →
I have been a mureed for ten years now. While the initial years were difficult, I progressed slowly but surely. Continue reading →