Tag Archives: marriage prospect

Marriage candidate on SufiMatch.com

I hope this reaches you in the best of health and states In Sha Allah Rahman. I have been in touch with a potential partner and wanted to ask a few of questions please.
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Proposal Advice Needed from Maulana

I’ve received a proposal from a syed through his sister but my dad is rejecting it after having asked someone to do background check-according to it they are not good people and the area they are living is also has a bad reputation and that they are shia etc.. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Please help

I am very very lost.. Please, I am unable to live and my angel is also suffering a lot internally. She cannot tell her parents freely… Continue reading

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What to do

I have recently been speaking to a man and marriage came into the equation. However, I have told him as his beliefs aren’t ahle sunnah it can not go any further… Continue reading

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Dream: My son’s repetitive dreams

My 1_ year-old son had repetitive dreams (+-5)….The dreams concerned me meeting someone (nameless/faceless person initially), eventually marrying him and having a child/children. With each dream, more information about the situation was revealed until… Continue reading

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Question for MSH

I have asked you questions before about marriage to a particular girl. You told me to leave it to Allah (swt) and so I have. Since then, every few weeks I hear that she is interested in marrying someone… Continue reading

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Marriage and circumcision

My friend converted to Islam 10 years ago a sister as asked him for nikah but she wants him to get circumcision…. Continue reading

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Nikah with father’s stepdaughter

My mother passed away a few years ago, and my father then married a widow who has a daughter from her previous marriage… Continue reading

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Marriage between different tariqas

I´m actually divorced, and as Mawlana recommends us not to remain single, at a time I subscribed to sufilovematch, and met a woman there… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Istikhara for Marriage

My name is [private]. I have been chatting with a woman named [private] over the internet and the telephone… Continue reading

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