Tag Archives: martyrs
Dream of Prophet (saws)
Dream started; met Aakila at her house, in the passage, first room on the left had a kramat, she said “Awliya and many awliyas were buried there.” I refused to enter (suffer anxiety attacks, don’t deal well with death). Saw another bed with a white sheet over a body and the hands (big white hands, nails very big) were out of the sheet, Aakila’s husband said, “Sayidina Abu Bakr (as)” … Continue reading
Many people do the hadrah and come out with a sore back or feeling dizzy. There are some that you can see are feeling something… Continue reading
Dream: seeking the truth
“shaykh nazzim is coming to take away the jinns”i heard in a dream 10years ago before becoming shaykhs mureed i also see smoke entering one of our doors and see a male relative in the dream. Continue reading