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Tag Archives: muqtadi
Reciting Fatiha, Shafi`i School
As it is fard for the shafi to recite fatiha in every prayer. What if you don’t finish reciting the fatiha and imam goes for ruku… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, essential, fard, muqtadi, obligation, required, Shafi`i School, Surat al-Fatiha
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Praying Behind Wahabi ImamPrier derrière un imam Wahabi
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and here in most of the masjids the imams are either salafi/wahabi and they dont even recite basmala before fathiha. My question is whether we can follow that imam for prayer? [fr]J’habite en Arabie Saoudite et ici la plupart des imams sont wahabi ou salafi…[/fr] Continue reading