Tag Archives: music
Please give me some guidelines on listening to songs, thank you. wassalam. Continue reading
Permissibility of Sama
Q: What is the eligibility of listening to songs/music/samaa?
A: Listening to religious music such as naat or qawwali is permissible. Continue reading
Regarding Permissibility of Music
Q: Someone told me that all four madhabs say it is illegal to listen to music…
A: Here is a relatively strict interpretation of what is and is not permitted from music/sama… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged arouse, awtar, birth, circumcision, daff, Eid, festivals, halal, haram, Imam Ghazali, intoxicants, Ismā`īl Dhul-Qarnayn, kubah, laborers, lovers, majamir, marriage, mourning, music, pilgrims, sama, sexual desire, tar, wine
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