Tag Archives: nadhr
Diseases of the heart
Please provide me with some remedy for spiritual disease of the heart, my heart is exhibiting symptoms of a disease. I need help in order to overcome my sexual desire- ie looking at women etc. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged desire, ghad al-basar, looking, marriage, muhasaba, nadhr, sins
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Expiation for broken vow
Q: I made a vow last year (fulfilling all the conditions of an oath in Shariah) not to indulge in a particular act of sin for a period of six months (so, for example, if I made the vow on 01 July, it was up to 31 Dec). I stipulated a condition in the vow that if I did engage in that act, I would give X amount of money in charity within 03 days of committing the sin…? Continue reading