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Tag Archives: vow
A conditional vow made to God
If a person makes a vow to God (not knowing it was wrong), that if you give me this, I’ll give this much Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged break oath, clothe, expiation, Fasting, oath, penance, vow
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Adağı yerine getirmek (Fulfulling a Vow)
I made a debt upon myself (a vow) to recite 30,000 salawat. If I recite the following salawat as mentioned on your Sufilive.com/Salawat website, will my vow be fulfilled? Continue reading
Posted in General, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adak, fard, fulfill promise, nazr, nezir, oath, obligatory, promise to Allah, rewards, salavat, salawat, Turkish, vow
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Nazar- “Making vow” in Wrong Intention
My friend just recently moved to a new bungalow lot and his wife has make a vow-“Nazar” not to sleep with him until the land title… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged bungalow, daughter, deed, friend, hasbunallah, invalid, land title, lawful acts, marital relations, promise, Shari`ah, vow, wife, worship, wrong intention
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Expiation for broken vow
Q: I made a vow last year (fulfilling all the conditions of an oath in Shariah) not to indulge in a particular act of sin for a period of six months (so, for example, if I made the vow on 01 July, it was up to 31 Dec). I stipulated a condition in the vow that if I did engage in that act, I would give X amount of money in charity within 03 days of committing the sin…? Continue reading