Tag Archives: non-Muslim country
Breaking the law of a non Muslim country?
I live in a non Muslim country, the legal age for riding a bike here is 18 years…But I’m 16. People do ride bike before 18 years… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged breaking the law, non-Muslim country, obey the law
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Migrating to a Muslim country
Is migration from a non-Muslim country to a Muslim country obligatory on Muslims with the purpose of making easier their religion? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged emigrate, freedom of religion, hijrah, Muslim country, non-Muslim country, practicing Islam freely
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Jama’at in Non-Islamic States
What is the ruling on praying with Jama’at in the Masjid in non-Islamic states? Is it still Wajib or is it excusable? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregation, jama`ah, non-Muslim country, salat, wajib
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Wear scarf or not
I became Muslim two years ago, happily wore scarf, and proud of this… Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged beautiful women, Christian friends, convert, disgusted, happy, hijab, hostile, married, non-Muslim country, personal desicion, proud, revert, sake of Allah, scarf, ugly, worried
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