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Tag Archives: patience
Prayer Request: 3 year old daughter having cancer
I have a 3 year old daughter suffering from cancer. Her cancer was diagnosed 1.5 years ago but during her treatment her cancer has returned last month. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged cancer, chemotherapy, cure, death of child, high reward, Ibrahim, patience, Prophet's son, shifa, sick child
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Prayer Request: get rids of court cases
My name is [private] mother name [private]. I have been facing lots of problems. It’s about a year that almost every month I have to go to court. Brief history that my ex-husband snatched my 8 month old baby, then I applied for khula and custody of my child. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged child custody, court, patience, test
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The default human state is loss, but Allah excepted “those who believe and do good deeds, and counsel one another with truth, and counsel one another with patience.” Continue reading
Marriage Istekhara
I like a girl. We both did istekhara. I don’t see anything in dream no matter how much I do istekhara. The girl saw an imam of masjid near her home couple of times and she believes its the right decision. Continue reading
Istikahara for Khula
Pls help me to do istikahara about my marriage should I or should I not give my husband Khula. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged first wife, healing heart, husband's duties, neglected wife, patience, sabr, seeking divorce, tests
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Bring loved one back
Can you please tell me some Wazifa to bring someone back in the same town same place where he was living before moving out? He got a better job in other city so he moved out like about an year ago. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged acceptance, patience, reliance on Allah, salawat before and after dua
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Prayer Request: Daughters discipline
I have a four year old daughter who is often so badly behaved. It is so difficult. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged child discipline, daughter, infant, misbehavior, patience
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Why Mawlana Doesnt Lecture Oppressive Men
I cook, clean, look after child, pain in body, everyday husband argues about cleaning, dont go out, don’t socialise, educated, stay home and take child to play at mums, he restricts me too. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged abuse, dhulm, housewife, housework, neglected wife, oppressed, oppressive husband, patience, sohbets, tyranny
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My sister’s mother in law is a lier & backbiter
My sister is married & suffers a lot in her home which some times I cannot control my self & can do nothing as her husband is on her mother’s side. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged good character, good conduct, patience
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