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Tag Archives: pluck eyebrows
Fatwas about Tattoos
I had a discussion with Muslims on facebook.They said there would be fatwas saying that tattoos would be halal if it´s a color or material which is water-permeable… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged altered appearance, altering teeth, cosmetic surgery, cursed acts, filed tooth, haram beautification, pluck eyebrows, tattoo
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Plucking unibrow
My question is rather trivial: is it permissible to pluck the middle section of the unibrow thereby dividing it into two eyebrows? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged excessive hair, hair removal, pluck eyebrows
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Are the Fatwas, general or case-based?
I’ve read that one has to make up for missed fard prayers. If it’s the case with me then I’d not be able to perform many/any sunnah prayers…[fr]I’ve read that one has to make up for missed fard prayers. If it’s the case with me then I’d not be-able to perform many/any sunnah prayers.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in General, Salat - Prayer, Women's Issues
Tagged altered appearace, arch eyebrows, beautification, facial hair, fiqh, general advice, Islamic Rulings, make-up prayers, nasiha, pluck eyebrows, plucking, salat
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