Tag Archives: qasida
Dream: SEEING MSN in my dream
I had a dream about MSN. I was attending a Naqshabandi thikr and I was admiring the beautiful voice of my cousin… Continue reading
Dream: Wife dream with Shaykh Nazim
my wife who is not a murid had dream with Shaykh Nazim in which they are in something like a paradise and there is a tv there… Continue reading
Question For Shaikh Ali Elsayed
I have two anasheed that I wanted to tell you about maybe you would like to use them… Continue reading
Dhikr Ijaaza
Do I need permission to lead Just dhikr, not khwajagan, just basic dhikr, like ‘la ilaha illalallah, ‘allah, allah’ , and the asma ul husna ?… Continue reading
Dream: Hadrah and Shaykh HishamRêve: Hadrah et Shaykh Hisham
I was in gathering and it was all among youth(17-25 years of age). I knew none of them…[fr]Salams bien aimé Sayedi Shaykh Hisham, puisse Allah vous donner une longue vie, …[/fr] Continue reading
Duff and Qasidas
Q: Could I have evidence for the permissibility of reciting naats in the masjid, and using the duff/drums in the masjid? Continue reading