Tag Archives: robbery
Dream: Being robbed in dream
My mother-in-law saw my wife being robbed in a dream, they/we are subject to much black magic and I always pray for them. Please, Ya Sayidi, pray for us and our loved ones, I am [private] and my wife [private] are going through so much stress and depression we need to be together because when we are, we are so happy Alhumdulillah… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black magic, depression, robbed, robbery, stress
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Magic or something
Ya Sayyidi last month I went to Lahore and met my married sister. She had robbery, someone told her to contact a pious person who might help her… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged black magic, blackmail, charlatan, charlatans, fake, hasbunallah, husband, Ka`bah, married, money, pregnant, protection, robbery, sister, sugar, taweez, vision
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