Tag Archives: sadaqa
Zakat Maal
Ya Sayyidi, I would Like to ask about Zakat Maal. Can zakat maal be used for the… Continue reading
I would like to know that when giving zakat is it allowable for me to give it to a… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage happening soon inshallah
I am to be getting married in a few months inshallah, please make dua that Allah blesses our marriage and it is a means of us coming closer to Him. Continue reading
Zakat to cancer patient
I want to know what Islam says about to whom zakat should be delivered… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Pass my exams
Please pray for me to pass my exams on Monday and Tuesday, Insha’Allah… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Dua for increase rizq to give charity
I love very much to give charity and sadaqa and give it often to family and others… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Dua for Shifa and Job search.
Me & My wife [private] have been sick for many years, though have improved a lot by the grace of Almighty Allah and through your prayer… Continue reading