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Tag Archives: scorpions
Fear of scolopendra
I live in the mountains in southern Spain and there are insects here called scolopendras…. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged bite, block, cat, catch, clean, crawl, creatures, daughter, dependents, dry, enter, fear, fireworks, fumigate, home, house, insects, kill, leaves, legs, millipedes, mountains, painful, panic, peel, poison, pomegranate, protect, realgar, recite, rooster, root, saffron, scolopendras, scorpions, seek refuge, Spain, sting, stung, thick, uncontrollable
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Dream: Pillars
When I was a small child a had a special dream what was coming again and again: I was standing in an endless room with many many pillars around me, and I can hear a voice but I cant to explain what this voice was saying. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `ibadah, dhikr, obligations, pillars, prayer-times, purify, record, salat, scorpions, snakes, voice
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