Tag Archives: sister-in-law
Prayer Request: Get rid of cunning in-laws
I’m very disturbed and confused about the attitude of my in-laws. They picture themselves as very religious and Islamic. The fact is that my younger sister-in-law is married to a Hindu. The truth which is hidden from everyone… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For brother’s family
I wanted to ask if Mawlana could pray for my brother [private] and… Continue reading
Dream: Youngest child dies
My sister-in-law had a dream that her child who is the youngest passed away. What… Continue reading
Dream: Flowers/gift
I had a dream that my sister-in-law (husband’s sister) sent me a bouquet of flowers, the bouquet was big and had different type of flowers… Continue reading
Dream: Garden and rocks
I was in a country house and remeber this beautiful garden, one like I have never seen before. I remember admiring the beauty but seeing some large rocks. Continue reading
A few days a ago I had a dream about my sister in law,she came into the room were I was standing with my Husband and started to verbally attacking him saying “Your on the wrong path,and you dont know anything and kept repeating herself Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana with my family
I had a dream about Sheikh Nazim (I’m not his mureed). I went to Sheikh with my mother, 2 brothers (who are mureeds of Sheikh Nazim), sister-in-law and her daughter. Continue reading