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Tag Archives: state of nothingness
A vision after missing Qiyamul Layl and Fajr
Salamualykum, I have to add some information before telling, so I am sorry if it gets a bit long. One night a few months ago my alarm went off for qiyamut- layt and my nafs got me and I didn’t get up, then I also didn’t get up for fajr too and when I awoke which was an hour after sunrise I felt bad… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged consistency, dhikr, ego, fajr, Hellfire, missed fajr, move on, nothing, qiyam al-layl, regret, remorse, repentance, Shaytan's tricks, state of nothingness, visions, waking vision, zero, zikr
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