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Tag Archives: talisman
The Ghayat al Hakim (Picatrix)
As far as I know, the Naqshbandis guard in high esteem the Shams al Ma3arif of Ahmad al Buni. Is the other great Medieval grimoire which is Ghayat al Hakim (Picatrix) of al Majriti or pseudo-alMajriti also reguarded as valuable, according to the Naqshbandis? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged ilm al-huruf, Naqshbandis, Qur'anic alchemy, science of letters, Shamsuddin al-Buni, talisman
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Taweez Found in a Tree
A taweez was found in the tree in a friend’s house. It was four pieces of paper with arabic numbers and words written on them, some of them in boxes… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged disposal, dispose of, talisman, tawiz
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