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Tag Archives: walking stick
Sunnah Stick
I’ve read its Sunnah to carry a walking stick. I wanted to ask at what age did RasooAllah… Continue reading
Dream: Shakyh Hisham’s Stick
I dreamt that I somehow managed to be holding MSH stick and some brothers told me to rest my head on the stick. As soon as I placed my forehead on the stick… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baya` in dream, cane, staff, walking stick
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The Walking Stick
I would be grateful if you can inform us about the walking Stick of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them)…. Continue reading
I wanted to ask for permission to walk with a staff/stick as our beloved prophet Muhammed s.a.w did and as our beloved Shaykhs do… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) in a long jubba
I was in a small room facing an open doorway. It was daylight. The Prophet sws… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged doorway, jubba, walking stick
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Dream: Rasullulah (saws) and Abu Talib (ra)
AbuTalib (ra) was passed away on a slab before burial. The place was white marble… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged burial, cane, fear, influence, leaning, marble, Muslim, platform, power, presence, Prophet Muhammad (s), repentance, respected, safety, Sahaba, Sayyidina Abu Talib, seeker, slab, staff, talib, trembling, walking stick, wealth, white
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Sunnah of the Turban and Walking Stick
I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adab, angels, beardless youth, black, black turban, cane, colors, companions, green, green turban, length, over-sized, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, standing, Sunnah, turban, walking stick, white, young age, youngsters
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