Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
A verse from the Holy Quran written in gold appeared on my wall.
As Salam, recently I started to experience spiritual disturbance in my room.
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Husbands parents do blackmagic
How does one deal with husband’s parents who have been caught doing black magic on daughter in-law? Continue reading
Grandmother in toilet cooking tomato dish above the toilet (ground toilet) Continue reading
Creation of Allah (SWT)
is it right to say that “phone is a creation of Allah” or “good and bad was created by Allah”? Continue reading
The Beard
I wanted to know whether I can follow the Shafi Ruling regarding the beard so that I can get the beard trimmed Continue reading
Am I still married
I asked my husband out of anger to end the marriage Continue reading
I was fasting, I was feeling aroused, so I started playing with myself Continue reading
Doubt about written talaq was talaq
I think I made an oath about divorce, but maybe in future tense, but no intention. I rememberd this after waswasa. Continue reading
Indonesia Wahhabi calls istighfar before Ramadan ‘a big sin’
I’m writing to you to ask about Labaran, the Indonesian custom of asking one’s family and friends for forgiveness at the start of Ramadan. Continue reading
Folding sides of prayer mat
In Pakistani and Indian culture some people after they’re done praying or leave for a while between prayer, they fold a corner of a prayer carpet. They claim if they don’t shaytan will pray on it. Can shaytan pray? Is there any evidence of this theory? Continue reading