Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Grave of Sayyeda Fatima (as)
Regarding the grave of Sayyeda Fatima bint-e-Nabi (sallal lahu alaihis salam) Is it in Jannat ul Baqi or near the Grave of RasoolAllah (saw) Continue reading
marriage to Ahmadi man
My parents forced me into a marriage with my cousin.. but after 5-6 months i realised he is ahmadi Continue reading
Can you please recommend a book on the Jinnkind? Continue reading
Is the attribution of Sharh Arba’een Nawawiyya to Ibn Daqiq al-Eid correct?
Can you comment on the authenticity and attribution of Sharh Arba’een nawawiyya to Ibn Daqiq al-Eid Continue reading
اتمنى الدعم المعنوي
تحقيق ذاتي ا<مخفي> بعدة مشاريع سابقة اكثر من عشرين مليون Continue reading
نصر وفتح قريب
Duaa for beautiful and strong support from Mawlana Hicham Continue reading
why do Allah’s Prophets suffer
A question that keeps surfacing – people ask “Allah is all powerful, then why did His prophets suffer.” Continue reading
Removing Ego and Dunya Love
I’m trying to polish my heart and finish arrogance and love of dunya. Continue reading
Controlling anger before it controls me
I have a short temper and snap easily when in a heated conversation with my husband. Continue reading
Dream interpretation
Why do we have dreams and aren’t able to know the meaning? Continue reading