Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Taziah (condolences) for non-Muslims
is it allowed for us to say to the family members [of deceased non-Muslim] as a form of taziah condolences…? Continue reading
Can a father forbid his son to marry a Christian or Jewish woman?
Can a father forbid his son to marry a Christian woman just to treat his son and daughter equal Continue reading
istikhara dreams positive or negative
in dream i saw the boy siting hapily talking with my family Continue reading
Creed of Imams
I would like to know if these Imams belonged to the Ahl Sunnah sect… Continue reading
Did Sayyiduna Salman al-Farsi (r) live 300 years?
It is written in an Urdu work authored by Shaykh Fayd Ahmad al-Uwaysi that Sayyiduna Salman al-Farisi radi Allahu anh lived for 300 years, is this correct? Continue reading
Icons of Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them) in the Ka’ba
Is it true that Sayyidina Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) safeguarded icons of Jesus and Mary (as) in the Ka’ba as mentioned Continue reading
Can one can watch movies in Multiplex during ramdan or any other month ? Continue reading
perfume on a Friday during Ramadan
… going to mosque to Friday prayer in Ramadan …is recommended having perfume on Friday prayer? Continue reading
Unwanted body hair
I have a lot of body hair. Continue reading
Makkah Clock Tower
my husband and I were sitting on a marble ledge high up right next to the clock face of the Makkah Clock Tower. Continue reading