Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Dream: Moon turns into rainbow flower
I am [private]. I saw a dream. I was standing beside the window. I was in sad mood at that time, I saw a moon in the sky which was very beautiful but all of a sudden… Continue reading
Your most earnest dua
My family and I need your most earnest duas.
My belongings have been stolen by my husband who will not return them. Continue reading
please help to get my lover back
Assalamualaikum, please make dua for me to get my lover back. She is Hindu got married 10 days back and wants to come back to me. Continue reading
breech baby urgent
Baby is breech and dr asked to come for c-section tomorrow. She says c-section is safe as waiting for normal delivery will be risky. Continue reading
Dream: I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim rahimahullah
Mashallah your soul and the Shaykh’s soul are connected. This is the mercy and love the Shaykh has reflected from the Attributes of the Rasul where Allah says in Surah Tawbah, verse 28… Continue reading
marriage problem
I like some one but his parents are not ready to accept me. Please pray for me so that his parents get agreed soon.
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Dream: Burgled and loved one
Salam, 4 blackmen break into home, they walk round the house, take nothing, pick up a tasbeeh which I don’t let them take it. Continue reading
Trance, to what extent can one focus? or what is wrong and what is okay?
I’ve read hypnotherapy or something is shirk or something on a site I don’t trust. But ever since, I’ve never allowed myself to close my eyes and day dream, nor focus in salat, nor use any internal capabilities. Continue reading
fallin for client
I knew some man since about one month, he’s one of my clients, our relationship are quite formal but lately I start to feel something for him, I don’t know nothing about him but I can feel he’s a good man, I wish he can be my husband… Continue reading