Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Dream: Of fear and destruction…Reve: Peur et Destruction
I was standing with my father facing a big field. We were carrying luggage on our back, like travelers, and were watching hundreds of families having fun on the field. [fr]J’étais debout avec mon père en face d’un grand champ. On portait des bagages au dos comme des voyageurs et nous regardions des centaines…[/fr] Continue reading
Master’s pleasure
Q: How and how to achieve happiness and love the Lord and His Prophet with. AVS Continue reading
Golden mirrorMiroir doré
I dreamt thati was standing and facing this big mirror and it was very nice and was golden around it and i was looking at myself in the mirror seeing myself.[fr]J’ai rêvé que je me tenais debout face à un grand miroir magnifique dont le cadre était fait d’or et que je me regardais dans la glace, me voyant…[/fr] Continue reading
White LightUne lumière blanche
About 2 weeks ago I started to see this white/yellow light on the floor. I only see this light after my prayers and at the end when I’m giving my salams.[fr]Depuis environ deux semaines, je vois une lumière blanche/jaune par terre. Je vois cette lumière uniquement après mes prières au moment de faire les salams…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Sultan Awliya Abdul-Qadir Gilani Rêve: Sultan Awliya Abdul-Qadir Gilani
I had a dream and both Sultan Awliya’s was in a room with me. The room description resembled his tomb (dergah) of Sultan Awliya Abdul Qadir Gilani and it was completely dark and i could not see their faces but knew it was them. [fr]‘ai rêvé où j’étais dans une pièce avec les deux Sultan Awliya. La pièce ressemblait à la tombe (dergah) de Sultan Awliya Abdul Qadir Gilani…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: stars
asselamu aleykum dear mevlana make dua for us. dear mevlana, i so lots of stars on the sky,all diffrent types and the were mouving like clouds. Continue reading
Dream: Meditation explanation
In my dream, a brother from tariqa is explaning about meditation… Continue reading
Dream: A face in the moon
A longer period ago, I asked my mother what it means when you see sad faces in the moon, and if she could see them as well, since I usually see them. Continue reading
Dream: AloneReve: Seul
No matter whatever the dream is, with whom I am in the dream, I always find myself alone…[fr]Quelque soit le rêve, avec qui que je puisse être dans le rêve, je suis toujours seul…[/fr] Continue reading