Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Mureed /Deputy
I have always been into Sufism as it runs in my family, but only a 1.5 years ago I… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istekhara to marry the man I like
I would like to request for an istekhara to be done for me and a man that I… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Isthakara for marriage
I would like to request if you can do an isthakarah for me for my marriage with… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage with the one I love
I really want to get married with a man I met, as I feel he can and will make me very… Continue reading
Lump on my breast
My name [private], and I find there’s a lump on left breast and already do usg, and… Continue reading
Unpleasent thoughts whilst reading Durood.
I have a friend who when he sends durood upon the Prophet (Salalahu Alaihi Wasallam) a swear or a bad thought comes into his mind directed to the Messenger and his family. Continue reading
Dream: Black Water
1. One dream where I am in a room and I can see big waves and water trying to… Continue reading
Dream: provision
(Alhamdulillah, we have a property in which we live, and last year we were given another property which gives us rent money and we have been living off this rent money) Continue reading
Prayer Request: Difficult time
Please, ya sayyidi pray that i get a new job and that that i am successful in my investments and also get married soon. Continue reading