Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayer Request: Relation with my mother

I have a lot of relashionship problems with my mother since a long time. Though I know she is the most important person I must respect on earth, she’s far to harsh with me. She raised me as a single mother and she’s too nervous and possessive and everytime I argue with her I’m feeling guilty. Continue reading

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name for child

Assalam alleikum wrwb,
May Allah bless Sayyidina Muhammad his family, his companions, & his ummah give long life to Mawlana Nazim, Sheikh Hisham & forgive all the sins as well as grant pious spouses to all the ummah for the sake of Allah’s beloved sallahu allehi wasalam ameen.
I pray with my wife sheikh is currently pregnant with our first child, aged 7 months and ask sheikh Hisham willing to give the name of the candidate’s daughter / son
Thank you so much Allah bless you. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: oppressed

Dear brother i am being oppressed by a large influential group of wrong doers they have me stay in 1 of their homes makin me work 7 days a week not allowing me to see my family and forcing me to do fraud and another things which are against Islamic principles… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: pelvic pain

about 15 years ago i had a pain on my right side at the front near my pelvic aera its still gives too much pain its as though its throbbing i went to doctor they checked everything but couldnt find out what was wrong… Continue reading

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Dream: URGENT SAYEEDY! i am a weak murid!

Asalamalaykum wr wb, the girl that i love, in this dream she came to my house with her parents and 2 large coffin like boxes and they were full of her stuff when i checked, the whole time in the dream i told her how much she put me through n how much i loved her n she showed me a picture of a guy she liked that had a large amount of chest hair that was gelled, and than she leaves and i feel greif, on my way back home i see two women. i jokingly say that i’m the witch of damascus and syria and they both say they are too.
1) why do i keep seeing that girl in my dream,does this dream have a different meaning? i feel bad when i see her knowing she wont be my wife in reality?what does this dream mean?ASALAMALAYKUM Continue reading

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Death and communication with loved ones

Also my other question is when people die is it possible to communicate with them and how can i do it? as i have had experience in this but i want more information. are there any books on this? or general guidance? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Devastated due to memory power.

I have been having problems in studying. I study at least 12 hours a day but yet I can’t remember anything. I do not know what’s wrong with me, I know I am capable of getting good results but I have no focus and my memory power is very low. Continue reading

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I wanted to ask: I have had four miscarriages, three before my son and one after my son. We would like to have another one but hesitate due to history of miscarriages, Also, please pray for me that I loose weight, I have gained a lot weight due to these miscarriages and thyroid. Continue reading

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My cousin

Salam ya Sheikh Hisham.. May Allah give u strength to call people upon Allah.. May Allah give us hidayat and love us more and more..
We are descendant of prophet and many of our family lineage are awliyas. Continue reading

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In another world

My Mums friend has a child who is disabled he used to zikr everyday and now is another world his mother has took him to the hospital but he is not coming back to his senses he is another world not present. Continue reading

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